Weather forecast for Nabq bay, Sharm El Sheikh

Wind checking at our Kitesurfing spot

Wind is the power source of Kitesurfing! 

It is caused by differences in atmospheric pressure which is mainly caused by temperature difference. The direction and the speed are the two main measurements that we care about.

Direction is usually expressed in terms of the direction from which it originates.

Speed is measured by anemometers, most commonly using rotating cups or propellers.

Forecasts typically is what gives us the direction of the along with the speed.

What is wind forecasting?

Forecasting is a technique that uses historical data as inputs. It makes informed estimates that are predictive in determining the future trends.

As The Kite Bubble has an important role in developing Kitesurfing in Sharm El Sheikh. We have dedicated a weather station at our school mainly for uploading weather data to most of the weather forecast websites.



Check the Wind Forecast For Our Kitesurfing Location




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